
Atheists in Anchorage

Municipality of AnchorageImage via Wikipedia

When you think of Alaska, what comes to mind? Sarah Palin? Yeah, me too. Sorry about that, Alaska. That isn't fair, so how about we erase that awful association and replace it with something positive. When I think of Alaska, I will now think of atheism. That's right, atheism!

You see, there is an active atheist Meetup.com group in Anchorage with over 600 members: Alaskan Atheists. For a city the size of Anchorage and in a conservative state like Alaska, I wouldn't have expected anything close to those numbers. They are even a sanctioned affiliate of American Atheists. Pretty damn impressive if you ask me! So if you find yourself in the Anchorage area, be sure to check them out at https://www.meetup.com/AnchorageAtheists/.

When I share stories like this, someone often goes out of their way to point out that they would never join an atheist-related group for various reasons. That's fine, but please remember that not everyone else feels that way. Some of us who live in areas that aren't exactly receptive to atheism might enjoy having the opportunity to interact with people without constantly having to watch what we say about religion.

Here in Mississippi, there are people I can hang out with as long as I am careful never to reveal what I think about evangelical fundamentalist Christianity. This might (sometimes) be better than nothing but not by much. I do appreciate those rare opportunities I might have to talk with someone where I can be myself and not have to watch what I say. I'd think that most people could understand why that is something many would value.

Sharing stories like this is not about persuading or even encouraging you to join groups like this. If they hold no appeal for you or you aren't "a joiner," steer clear of them. My goal is to help those who might find groups like this appealing learn that they are there. That's it.