
Living in Mississippi Shapes My Perceptions

Sailboat sea waves Atlantic

Where I live makes me more pessimistic about many things than I'd otherwise be. I sometimes forget this. I then assume that the views I encounter in Mississippi are more representative than I hope they are. This has caused me the most trouble in two domains. The first involves secularism and the plight of atheists. The second is about the toxic form of Republicanism that now plagues our country (i.e., MAGA).

Both are easy to understand. I live in a place where atheists are scarce and reviled. Evangelical fundamentalist Christianity is the norm. If there's a position of power, you best believe a Southern Baptist holds it! Expressions of blatant bigotry against atheists are common. The bigots don't expect negative consequences and are right not to do so. They'll say awful things about queer people too, but they often lower their voice before doing so. They don't do this when it comes to atheists.


We Have Created the Conditions for Political Violence

Capitol Washington DC

Like most of you, I don't condone political violence. I can't reconcile it with the sort of democratic society I prefer. The democratic process doesn't always work the way we want it to, and our courts don't always get it right. Some frustration is inevitable, and that doesn't justify political violence.

It didn't surprise me that someone took a shot at Donald Trump during a rally. It surprised me that it took this long for someone to do so. It is hard to imagine any modern political figure inspiring such strong feelings. To some, he's Jesus returned to make us great again. To others, he's a wannabe Hitler. In a nation of way too many guns, such strong and conflicting feelings can be dangerous.


We Must Defeat Trump's Project 2025

Girl child flag

In Trump v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that presidents (and former presidents) are immune from criminal prosecution for "official acts" while they were in office. Can we agree that "Trump v. United States" is a fitting name for such a blow to the rule of law? Some have suggested that this decision isn't a big deal. After all, it amounts to an admission of what was already common practice. That may be true, but it still concerns me. My concern increases when we add immunity to the power of the presidential pardon.

There is a large group of people in the United States who would like to get rid of atheists and other undesirables. I imagine they'll start with immigrants and LGBTQIA+ people, but the rest of us won't be far behind. This group is currently organized around Trump, but he didn't create them. They existed long before him, and they will remain a threat long after he's gone.


Sticking With a Flawed Candidate

Political debate

I did not watch the first presidential debate of 2024. The thought of exposing myself to that level of depression and anger seemed unwise. It wasn't like the outcome was ever in question. Trump would lie, and Biden would seem unfit for office. There would be no winner. We'd all be the losers.

The post-debate analysis littering the news the next day was no surprise either. The Democrats are panicking over their nominee. What took them so long? Haven't most Democratic voters recognized the problem for some time?